Cynthia Lankenau, DVM, MS-TCVM
Cynthia Lankenau's Credentials
MS-TCVM, Chi Institute
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine
Bachelors Agriculture and Life Sciences College, Cornell University

About Cynthia Lankenau
Cynthia Lankenau, DVM graduated from Cornell’s Veterinary College in 1981 and joined a 99% dairy practice in upstate NY with a total love of working with small dairy farms.
In the attempt to expand her practice knowledge, she joined the Peace Corps and worked in Malawi, Africa in 1984-1985, returning to the US to join a mixed animal practice in western NY.
With the decline of family farms in NY, and seeing an incredible increase in chronic diseases, Dr. Lankenau started down the path of alternative medicine; starting with acupuncture training in 1991 (IVAS), started herbal training in western herbs in 1993, Chinese herbs in 1995; chiropractic (AVCA) and homeopathic (AVH) training in 1995.
She has completed Chi’s MS (TCVM); CIVT’s Western Graduate Herbal program, and Chinese herbal degree; is a registered herbalist (RH) through the American Herbal Guild, and is currently finishing David Winston’s professional herbal training and additional Chinese Herbal training with Dr. Evan Rabinowitz.
She attends as many Jeffrey Yuen seminars as possible. She is a past president of the VBMA, Secretary/treasurer of the ACVBM, founder of the NY CAVMA, and on the board of WATCVM. Since 1993, she has practiced in a solo 100% alternative modality mixed animal practice.