James Jacobson
James Jacobson's Credentials
Bachelor of Arts Rhetoric and Communications, Univerity of Virginia

About James Jacobson
The Publisher of DogCancer.com is James Jacobson, media entrepreneur and dog lover. He is a journalist, published author, and prolific podcaster. He is a serial entrepreneur and built a number of companies after graduating from the University of Virginia in 1988. In the last two decades, James’ businesses ventures have focused on serving dog lovers. His portfolio includes four companies that have a single overarching mission: to improve the quality of life for dogs and the people who love them. He lives in Maui, Hawaii with his wife and (of course) dogs.
My heart dog was a maltese named Maui. She was the inspiration for my book "How to Meditate with Your Dog: An Introduction to Meditation for Dog Lovers." Maui was also the force that drove me to help change the quarantine laws in Hawaii so that I could bring her to her namesake island home. She was a loyal and loving companion who was wise (and equally opinionated) beyond any comprehension. She lead me to many amazing serendipitous events and people--including to my wife, Molly. She is forever alive in my heart.