Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA
Narda G. Robinson's Credentials
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Colorado State University
Doctor of Osteopathy, Osteopathic Medicine, Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine

About Narda G. Robinson
Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA, is a leading authority on scientific integrative medicine from a One Health perspective.
She served as faculty at the Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (1997-2016) and currently leads CURACORE VET and CURACORE MED as founder and CEO.
A prominent influencer on scientific integrative medicine in both veterinary and human medicine, Dr. Robinson has cultivated her expertise for over 20 years of teaching, practicing, and research.
She directs onsite and online programs on medical acupuncture, medical massage, photomedicine, botanical therapy, and integrative rehabilitation.
In June 2022, she founded the organization, SIVMA, i.e., the Scientific Integrative Veterinary Medical Association, to expand learning and research opportunities for practitioners across the globe.