Susan Recker, DVM, cVSMT
Susan Recker's Credentials
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Spinal Manipulation Therapy Certification, Healing Oasis Wellness Center

About Susan Recker
Dr. Susan Recker grew up in Iowa, steeped in a firm sense of responsibility for the earth and its creatures.
After graduating from veterinary school at Iowa State University, she practiced small animal medicine in WI and IL. She saw a growing need for outside-the-conventional-box treatments, so she became certified in veterinary spinal manipulation therapy (chiropractic).
Dr. Recker is also a committed and meticulous educator. Given a laptop, a cubicle, and a starter budget, Dr. Recker designed and established an accredited veterinary technician program at Gateway Technical College in Elkhorn, WI. Writing a balanced, comprehensive curriculum was a delight – and teaching it was just as satisfying. Her students continue to carry her legacy of fervent, proactive animal advocacy.
As Dr. Recker’s experience grows, so does her commitment to high-quality integrative treatments. Her most recent interest is using food as medicine. She formulates complete and balanced diets, reveling in how much joy good food brings to animals and their humans.
Dr. Recker is glad to add to her life story of loving and serving animals by empowering their humans with education.
LarryDog immediately charmed everyone he met. He had a tail wag and a face lick for every living creature (well, except for that chipmunk who lived under the deck).
Visitors had to be frisked at the door; he was nearly smuggled out in a purse on more than one occasion.
Although he weighed in at only 4 lbs., his heart was huge. He bore all things with dignity, gentleness, and compassion.
Larry’s motto is his legacy: stand tall at all times…even if you can’t see over the crowd.