EPISODE 153 | RELEASED February 7, 2022

What to Bring to Your First Oncology Appointment | Dr. Megan Duffy

Your dog is going to see an oncologist. Learn how to prepare for the appointment so that you can get the most out of it.


That first oncology consult can be overwhelming. Veterinary oncologist Megan Duffy says to expect the consult to take an hour or more – and most of that time is talking over your dog’s case and your treatment options. This is YOUR time to ask all of the questions you have about your dog’s diagnosis and treatment plan.

Once you have an appointment scheduled, ask all of the veterinary offices that your dog has been to in the past two years to send your dog’s records to the oncologist. Sending all records, bloodwork results, x-rays, and other imaging ahead of time will give the oncologist time to review your dog’s case before your appointment so he or she is up to speed.

To make sure you are prepared, do just a little bit of research on the type of cancer your dog has before the appointment – Dr. Duffy recommends sticking with veterinary sites and not going too far down the rabbit hole. She also recommends what things to bring with you and think about before your appointment – check out our checklist, available on Dog Cancer Answers Dot Com.

And remember – you don’t have to make any final decisions during the first consult. This is your time to get all of the details so you can digest and make the best choice for you and your dog.

Links Mentioned in Today’s Show:

Veterinary Partner by VIN – https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/

Download Your Oncology Consult Checklist (PDF)

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